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Venture Connect Program

Ideating the Possibilities of Reinventing Care Delivery: From Founders, to Funders, and Beyond

HIMSS Venture Connect program fosters meaningful connections across the experiences of a variety of founders, startups, and others across the ecosystem, this immersive experience can encourage and inspire those at the bedside and beyond to be the change needed to positively impact care delivery.

Learn & Participate

With each patient encounter, there's opportunity to identify ways to increase patient outcomes, reduce inefficiencies, and contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of the patient. Participate in any or all of our robust educational offerings!

Showcase Innovations

These competitions allow participants to compete for the chance to showcase their innovations to a distinguished panel of judges comprising experts from health innovation, business, provider, and venture capital sectors.

Connect & Celebrate

Be sure to take a moment and pause to create new contacts, connect with others, and celebrate the many innovation-focused opportunities occurring over our venture connect program.