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HIMSS24 Healthcare Cybersecurity Experience

Healthcare continues to be highly targeted by cybercriminals, and attackers are constantly changing their tactics. Learn how to be proactive to defend and protect your data’s confidentiality, integrity and availability. Participate in engaging, interactive, hands-on activities and attend education sessions to enhance your knowledge on today’s biggest cyber issues.

Featured Sessions & Events

SANS Executive Cyber Exercise

SANS Executive Cyber Exercise

This exercise drops attendees into a simulated cyber event. The exercise emphasizes the importance of a practiced cyber crisis management plan and the leadership skills required to deal with a cyber crisis. This event is for invited guests only.

SANS NetWars Cyber Range

SANS NetWars Cyber Range

Build your hands-on cybersecurity skills and have some fun in a healthcare-specific Cyber Range built by the SANS Institute, with ransomware, telemedicine, EMR, Medical devices, incident handling, and more!

Cybersecurity Command Center

Cybersecurity Command Center

Experience cutting-edge technologies and learn how to best prepare your organization for risk assessments, build bulletproof incident response plans and more.

Explore the Healthcare Cybersecurity Experience

Enhance your knowledge on today’s biggest cyber issues. Participate in engaging, interactive, hands-on activities and attend any of the 80+ education sessions occuring throughout the three days in our two Cybersecurity Command Center theaters. Learn real-world cybersecurity skills. Experience interactive training with hands-on labs, practice your skills and network with your peers in real-time.

Join Us

Kick off your week with a healthcare cybersecurity focused forum the day before the HIMSS24 general programming and exhibition starts. Then join us Monday – Friday for any one of our many general education cyber focused sessions.

Friday Keynote (Part 2) with Rachel Tobac

8:30 am – 10:00 am
W415  |  Valencia Ballroom

Rachel Tobak
CEO of SocialProof Security

Exploiting Trust with Technology: The Human Element of Security

Security protocols are often built on trust and trust is exploited by attackers—like our keynote. From email to phone communications, attackers study how to insert themselves within your trusted circles and protocols to leverage that trust against you. During this session, SocialProof Security CEO Rachel Tobac dives into the anatomy of trust exploitation in real world social engineering attacks, walks through step-by-step examples of attacks that happened during COVID-19, and identifies the steps you can take to protect their data, money, security and privacy from real world attackers, even during a global crisis.



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