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Workforce ConneXtions: Resources to Prepare for the Workplace of Tomorrow

Moving your career forward requires putting your best effort into professional growth - from new entrants to experienced executives. Seize this chance to get practical knowledge, build your network, and gain an edge for your career. Investing in your development now will pay dividends for your future.

No matter where you are in your career, putting your best foot forward is key to reaching your professional aims. The Workforce ConneXtions will give you the tools, resources, and learning opportunities to get you ready whether you're just starting out, an advanced executive, or somewhere in the middle. Don't miss this opportunity to gain practical knowledge, connect with industry leaders, and gain a competitive advantage for you and your career.


  • Master in-demand trends, opportunities, and skills for career growth
  • Optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile to get noticed and land interviews
  • Receive career advisement that targets and sets clear, achievable goals and benchmarks
  • Curate a network of meaningful professional relationships and connections that foster growth