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AI in Healthcare Forum

Leveraging the Transformational Power of AI: Insights that Influence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a part of our healthcare landscape, revolutionizing tasks like workflow optimization, claims processing, and even mortality risk prediction. However, as organizations embrace this transformative technology, they must strike a balance between caution and optimism, considering both the challenges and opportunities it presents. 

With a focus on both the promise and the possibilities, organizations can build trust across the AI ecosystem by addressing the myriad of issues that arise surrounding its deployment. Key components include establishing robust governance structures, mitigating inherent or explicit biases, upholding ethical practices, and ensuring confidence and assurance in AI applications. These measures are crucial to minimizing risks and exposures in the healthcare delivery process.

In this forum, attendees will gain insights from leading healthcare organizations that have harnessed AI's power to enhance patient outcomes, stimulate revenue growth, and tackle workforce challenges, including employee burnout.

Learning Objectives

  • Explore strategies for integrating AI into clinical workflows
  • Identify strategies for guiding algorithm usage in healthcare settings
  • Describe scalable AI implementation approaches within healthcare enterprises
  • Discuss effective methods for educating organizations about AI's potential
  • Determine the optimal investment approach for AI strategy implementation
  • Examine proposed rules to govern the use of the AI and algorithms across the ecosystem
  • Identify strategies that guide the use of algorithms across the care setting
  • Assess the risks and rewards associated with large language models
    the dynamic landscape of generative AI advancements
  • Minimize ethical and legal considerations when planning the use of AI 
  • Understand the dynamic landscape of generative AI advancements
  • Develop a plan to reduce bias and health inequities when deploying AI across diverse populations