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Interoperability & HIE Forum

Pioneering the Next Era of Healthcare Data Interoperability

TEFCA is a key topic on everyone's minds. We anticipate the emergence of the QHINs (Qualified Health Information Networks), which will likely coincide with the global conference. This is generating significant interest.

This day-long forum will examine how these networks will function within their frameworks and their methods of exchanging information. By the end of the day, we want participants to feel well-prepared to return to their organizations with a solid grasp of the situation and the ability to navigate the decision-making process involved in integrating this new information exchange paradigm into their operations.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the significance of TEFCA (Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement) and its relevance in healthcare information exchange. 
  • List and recognize the Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs) that are expected to emerge and explore potential new capabilities that may be introduced  
  • Identify the organizations involved in nationwide data exchange in the United States 
  • Describe the various frameworks that these organizations support for healthcare data exchange 
  • Summarize the factors that influence the decisions of C-suite leaders in healthcare when considering affiliations with these data exchange entities 
  • Evaluate the decision-making process involved in integrating new information exchange paradigms into healthcare operations 
  • Assess and predict the future trends and challenges in healthcare data exchange