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Registration Terms & Conditions

HIMSS25 Global Health Conference & Exhibition Terms and Conditions

Thank you for registering for the 2025 HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition (the “Conference”). The following Conference Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions” or “Terms”) apply to you and your participation in the Conference. Your Conference registration may include in-person programming (including general admission keynotes, general education sessions, opening reception and exhibition).  based on the purchase of your registration pass, your registration may also include any optional pre-conference symposia or special events you choose to add onto your Conference registration. “Attendee” for purposes of these Terms will include all participants at the Conference including exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, press, partners and individual attendees. By purchasing access to the Conference, you agree to be bounded by these Terms, our Privacy Policy (available at, and the Informa Markets Visitor Terms & Conditions (available at (each incorporated herein by reference), so please read them carefully. To the extent there is any direct conflict between these Terms and the Informa Markets Visitor Terms & Conditions, these Terms shall prevail.

This Conference is organized and managed by Informa Markets or one of its affiliates (referred to as “Informa”, “we”, “our, “us”), which is a trading division of the Informa Group.  The parent company of the Informa Group is Informa PLC. A full list of entities within the Informa Group is available on request. Informa reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit or deny access to any entity or individual. To be eligible to participate, you must be 21 years old or older.

Payment Terms

Submission of a registration online, by phone or email, constitutes an official registration and intent to attend the Conference. Invoices are payable upon receipt, and full payment must be received to gain entry to the Conference. Please note that payments must be charged to Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or paid by check. Purchase orders and cash are not accepted.

You agree that, in the unlikely event that Informa cannot resolve a payment issue and you dispute the credit card charge, your electronic statement may be used as evidence that said charge is valid and just. If there are any issues with your credit card charge, please contact the CSI Registrar by emailing [email protected] or calling either 224.563.3122 or 855.326.8342 between Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm CT.

Reminder: Conference fees do not include HIMSS membership fees. Any HIMSS membership fees paid as part of the Conference registration are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Registration Confirmation

Registration confirmations are auto-generated and sent to the email address provided during the registration process. If you did not receive your confirmation, please email [email protected] or call 224.563.3122 or 855.326.8342 Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm CT.

Attendee Cancellation Policy

If circumstances change and you can no longer attend this Conference, you may cancel your registration by providing written notice to the CSI Registrar by emailing [email protected] or calling either 224.563.3122 or 855.326.8342 between Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm CT. Our Attendee cancellation policy is outlined below. Registrations will be refunded, less a $100 administration fee, if you notify HIMSS Global Conference of your cancellation in writing on or before midnight CT, January 26, 2025.

There will be no refunds given for any cancellations received after January 26, 2025. This can include but is not limited to, failure to attend the conference because of illness, alteration or rescheduling of the Conference by HIMSS Global Conference, or due to events beyond the parties’ reasonable control, such as travel problems, natural disaster or weather emergency, civil unrest, epidemic, public health emergency (declared or undeclared), or an act of terrorism. For cancellations received after the cutoff date with a balance due, the registration amount remains due in full.

Conference refunds approved by HIMSS Global Conference will be issued within 30 business days. All refunds will be issued back to the original payment form.

Reminder: Cancelling your Conference registration does not automatically cancel your hotel and travel arrangements. Attendees are responsible for cancelling their hotel and travel reservations. Please refer to the hotel cancellation and refund policy.

Substitution Policy

Substitutions may be made at any time before January 26, 2025. A formal written request must be submitted by the original registrant to [email protected]. Substitution request emails must include the name and email address of the person who will be taking over the registration to collect personal information. After Sunday, January 26, 2025, no substitution requests will be accepted.

Conference Cancellation or Modification

Informa reserves the right to cancel, alter, or reschedule the Conference for any reason, including because Informa determines in its sole discretion that the Conference cannot be held as planned. Informa also reserves the right to close registration when tickets are sold out. For these reasons, registrants are advised against making non-refundable travel arrangements. Should you purchase non-refundable airline tickets or make non-refundable hotel reservations, you do so at your own risk.

Should Informa cancel, alter, or reschedule some or all of the Conference for any reason, any fees paid or owed will not be refunded. Further, a portion of your Conference fees (including fees for any optional events) may be converted to a credit. If applicable, this credit may be applied to the HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition event within the United States for the year immediately after the canceled Conference.

Communications and Contact Information

For the purposes of these Terms, the term “Contact Information” means Attendees’ names, company names, job titles, address, email address and phone number. Except as described in these Terms, Informa does not share your Contact Information with exhibitors and/or sponsors prior to, during or after the Conference unless you have specifically opted-in to receiving such communications. The sections below outline when and how Informa may share the Contact Information; if you want to adjust your consent and or opt-out preferences, please see our Privacy Policy for instructions or contact us at [email protected].

Note that there may be certain areas of the Conference at which your attendance is conditional on your personal information being provided to third parties that have sponsored or are managing such areas.  The use that any third parties make of your personal information is outside of Informa’s control and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not accept any liability in this regard.  For more information about how we may use the personal information you provide to us please see our Privacy Policy.

Additionally, if you receive an unauthorized email from an exhibitor, sponsor, Attendee, or third party, please contact the exhibitor, sponsor, Attendee, or third party directly to remove your name from its distribution list. You may also notify Informa at [email protected].

  • A. Attendee Roster
    By completing the registration process and selecting the option to opt-in to having your Contact Information listed on the attendee roster, you are providing your consent for Informa to share your limited Contact Information on the Informa attendee roster.
  • B. Communications from Informa
    By completing the registration process and acknowledging these Terms and Conditions, you are providing your consent to receive emails and other mailings from Informa related to the Conference. Informa will send you service messages about the Conference and use your Contact Information to facilitate access to Conference programming and related events, including Conference content. Informa will also send you messages about optional pre- and post-conference symposia, activities, and special events. By selecting the option to opt-in to receive materials from Informa’s other events, products and services, you are providing your consent for Informa to send you marketing and promotional information for other events run by Informa or its affiliates. You may opt out of receiving certain communications in connection with the event at any time, either through the registration process or by contacting Informa per the instructions above.  
  • C. Attendance at Exhibitor Sessions and Sponsored Activities
    There may be certain exhibitor or sponsored sessions/activities at which your attendance is conditional on your personal information being provided to third parties that have sponsored or are managing such areas. Attendance at these sessions/activities are completely optional. By registering or attending an exhibitor or sponsor session/activity, you consent to and agree that Informa may share your Contact Information with the respective exhibitors or sponsors, and that you consent to and agree to receive communications from such exhibitor or sponsor, subject to their corresponding terms and privacy policies.  You acknowledge that if you do not permit sharing of your Contact Information in this context, you may not be able to attend some of the exhibitor or sponsored sessions/activities. You may also opt out of receiving these communications by contacting the third party and requesting the removal of your name from their distribution list.
  • D. Badge Scanning
    Informa or its exhibitors or sponsors may use lead capture applications or barcode scanner devices to scan your badge at the Conference. If you choose to allow your badge (whether physical or digital) to be scanned by third parties at the Conference, we may pass your registration Contact Information and other personal information to such third parties. Please be aware that exhibitor and sponsor scanning of attendee badges is optional, and you may refuse to have your badge scanned at booths as well as at the entrance to exhibitor sessions and functions without penalty. However, by refusing to allow your badge to be scanned, you may not be able to attend certain sessions or functions. Informa may also use such scanned information to determine session attendance, deliver session surveys, manage session capacity, and enforce session restrictions.

Guest Speakers

To provide our Attendees with a global platform for the exchange of ideas and insights, Informa invites key figures to share their personal perspectives concerning the challenges and opportunities facing businesses today. Guest speakers are not employees of Informa and Informa neither pre-reviews nor comments on the content of our guest speakers’ sessions. Guest speaker views and opinions are entirely their own and in no way reflect the views and opinions of Informa.

Health and Safety

Regarding COVID and communicable health risks, Informa will implement health and safety protocols appropriate to the public health circumstances existing at the time of the Conference. Informa will exercise reasonable efforts to utilize protocols that will comply with or exceed any local public health requirements and be consistent with then-prevailing public health standards as issued by relevant public health entities. Those protocols may include but are not limited to the following requirements: vaccination, proof of COVID status, self-monitoring, biometric screening, symptom checkers, contact tracing, use of personal protective equipment and social distancing, or other similar measures. Compliance with some or all of the protocols adopted by Informa may be mandatory for attendance and participation at the Conference. Additional information regarding the specific health and safety measures, and any necessary consents by you, will be communicated to Attendees prior to the first day of the Conference.

You specifically agree that you will not attend the Conference if, within five (5) days preceding the Conference, you have:

  • Tested positive or presumptively positive for COVID or other communicable disease or been identified as a potential carrier of COVID or other communicable disease; or
  • Experienced any symptoms commonly associated with COVID or other communicable disease; or
  • Been in direct contact with or the immediate vicinity of (collectively, the “Encounter”) any person who is either confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID or other communicable disease within the last five days.

Further, you understand and agree that Informa may share any COVID-related information about you that Informa receives as part of such health and safety protocols with public health authorities or other regulatory agencies, as required under applicable laws.

Use of Multimedia

By attending the Conference, you acknowledge, consent, understand, and agree that (a) Informa, or others acting on its behalf or through sponsorship or exhibitor contracts, may take photographs and video (by any means) and/or make sound recordings (collectively, the “Content”) during the Conference, (b) that you may appear in such photographs and videos and be heard in such sound recordings, and (c) that Informa may edit and use the Content anywhere in the world for marketing, promotion (including through social media), and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its business, now and in the future, in each case without any payment or compensation. You further acknowledge and agree that Informa is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in the Content and hereby waive any and all: (a) rights in and to such Content, and (b) claims that you may have relating to or arising from the Content and/or its use.  

You are prohibited from photographing, video recording and sound recording of any part of any Conference sessions or content (including through recording on social media feeds), unless you have obtained written permission in advance from Informa. For online programs, Informa prohibits the use of screen shots, screen sharing, and/or any other technology that can be used to capture proprietary content and images from the Conference. You agree: (a) to surrender to Informa or destroy on demand any material in whatever media recorded in violation of this paragraph, (b) that the copyright and other intellectual property rights in any such material shall vest in Informa unconditionally and immediately on the creation of such material, and (c) to hold Informa and all entities within the Informa Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) harmless against any claims made in respect of such unauthorized activities.

Due to the prevalence of mobile devices in today’s world, Informa disclaims all liability for the capture of your image, voice or likeness by Attendees (who are not under sponsorship or exhibitor contracts with Informa) in any multimedia format at the Conference.

Code of Conduct

You agree not to copy or permit to be copied, in any form or format, without the express written permission of Informa, any of the contents of the Conference Attendee roster. You also agree not to use the Attendee roster contents for any commercial, marketing, promotional or political purposes.

No solicitation is permitted except by exhibitors, within the confinement of their booths. Informa reserves the right to escort any individual from the Conference who is reported to be soliciting and who is not a Conference exhibitor. 

Attendees are expected to behave responsibly and to treat each other and the community with respect, kindness and compassion. Failure to behave in such manner, as determined in Informa’s sole discretion, may result in removal from the Conference and deactivation and/or revocation of credentials, without refund

The Conference is a private event, and weapons are strictly prohibited. Attendees are forbidden from carrying weapons of any kind, including concealed or displayed firearms or knives, onto the premises of the Conference. Informa reserves the right, in its sole discretion, without refund, to deactivate and/or revoke the credentials of Attendees who violate this policy. By registering for the Conference, you agree to comply with this policy, regardless of any signage located on the premises of the Conference.

For security reasons, badge swapping or sharing of access credentials is not permitted. Anyone found wearing a badge that does not match that person’s identification or using another person’s access credentials for the Conference will be evicted from the Conference without a refund, and that person’s registration will be canceled. A government-issued photo ID will be required to pick up your badge on-site.

A Conference badge allows an Attendee entry to the overall Conference, but cannot guarantee admission to every session, lounge or meeting area. Admission is subject to venue capacity and other requirements.

Waiver of Liability

You assume all risks associated with, resulting from, or arising in connection with, attendance at and/or participation, in any capacity, in the Conference or any Conference-related activities, including, without limitation, all risks of theft, loss, harm, damage, illness or sickness (including those caused by known or unknown infectious or communicable disease such as COVID, H1N1 or other illness or sickness caused by bacteria, fungi, microorganisms or viruses), or injury to the person (including death) or property damage, whether caused by negligence, intentional act, accident, act of God, or otherwise, and whether occurring before, during or after the Conference.

You further acknowledge, agree, and understands that Informa and all entities within the Informa Group (as well as any agents, officers, directors, members, employees, or other representatives of the same) exclude all liability for any loss, injury (including death), disease or damage whatsoever that you may suffer in connection with or arising from your participation in any activities offered as part of the Conference (including, without limitation, any activities held outside of, or incidentally to, the Conference that you are attending), whether direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, exemplary, or punitive loss, injury or damage (including, without limitation, injury or disease to persons, property damage, theft, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss or corruption of data or any other type of economic loss, injury or damage) or otherwise.  The limitations and exclusions in this paragraph only apply to the extent permitted by applicable law.

You further agree that the maximum liability of Informa to you arising from your registration, participation, and attendance at the Conference shall be the return of your fees paid to Informa. 

Governing Law, Venue, Class Action Waiver, and Jury Waiver

You agree that any disputes related to your participation in and/or fees paid for the Conference shall be governed exclusively by the substantive laws of the State of New York without giving effect to any choice-of-law rules that might result in the application of a different state’s substantive law. You further agree that the mandatory, exclusive venue for any action related to your participation in and/or fees paid for the Conference shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of New York. You further agree that any action brought in these courts related in any way to the Conference, including without limitation your participation in the Conference and/or fees paid for the Conference, will be an individual claim, that you shall not bring claims against Informa in a representative capacity on behalf of any other individual, that you shall opt out of any class proceeding, and that you shall not assert class or collection action procedures. You further agree to waive any right to a trial by jury for any legal action related to the Conference, including without limitation your participation in and/or fees paid for the Conference.

Reporting Dangerous Situations or Emergencies

If there is a situation that looks concerning or could be dangerous, notify Conference organizers onsite in a prompt manner or email us at [email protected]. In the event of an emergency, please contact local authorities immediately.

Compliance with These Terms; Consequences of Violating These Terms and Conditions

You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by Informa, the venue owners, security personnel and/or management at the Event. Informa reserves the right to, at its sole discretion and without liability, refuse admission to, eject, and/or revoke the credentials of Attendees whose conduct is determined by Informa, in its absolute discretion, to be in violation of these Terms and Conditions or who, in the opinion of Informa, represents a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the Event or is otherwise deemed inappropriate, disorderly or offensive, and to do so without warning or a refund. This may also result in prohibition from registering or attending future conferences.


Informa reserves the right to amend these Terms (without notice) from time to time and you will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time that the Conference is staged.

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Gen. Paul M. Nakasone

Former Commander, U.S. Cyber Command & Former Director
A name synonymous with visionary leadership, retired four-star Army General Paul M. Nakasone is the longest-serving leader of the U.S. Cyber Command and the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, and is regarded among an elite class of leaders whose strategic expertise at the nexus of cybersecurity, technology, and geopolitics has laid the groundwork for upholding our nation’s security in the modern age. General Nakasone’s career spans more than three decades of pivotal moments in modern warfare and digital defense and he draws upon his experiences constantly at the epicenter of conflict to share battle-tested lessons on transformational leadership, while also examining the challenges and opportunities organizations face in the ever-evolving tech and security landscape. Exclusively represented by Leading Authorities speakers bureau, Nakasone is an engaging and dynamic speaker who leads audiences on a fascinating exploration into how our experiences today, paired with the advent of rapid and constant technological change, will shape the future — and what that means for how we approach the safety and security of our systems and society. Pointing to strategies that consistently led him and his teams to mission success in his own career, Nakasone shares recent examples of complex situations in which innovative ideas provided the catalyst for successful outcomes. As part of his talks, Nakasone emphasizes the skills that need to be sharpened in order to make a transformational impact as a leader, as well as the importance of purposefully recruiting, training, and retaining talent. He is of the belief that, ultimately, what shapes our future is fully dependent on the manner in which organizations invest leadership and talent. From the crucible of the Pentagon on 9/11 and spearheading the response to the most significant intrusion into the Defense Department’s classified networks, to the Wars in Iraq in Afghanistan, Nakasone has served as one of the most influential problem-solvers at the center of cyber and information operations and dedicated his career to being a steadfast guardian of our national security interests. He was also part of the select group of leaders that conceptualized and built U.S. Cyber Command from the ground up, and subsequently led their most elite forces before rising to command the entire organization, as well as the NSA/Central Security Service. In addition to his standing as a career Army officer who climbed the ranks to lead elite units battling the world’s top cyber hackers, Nakasone is widely recognized as an agent of innovation who championed new approaches to solving multifaceted challenges in rapidly changing landscape of cyber threats. His persistent approach to cyber defense against nation-state hackers has redefined the national and global security playbooks, while his emphasis on partnerships fostered a collaborative ecosystem transcending international, interagency, and private sector agencies. Under his stewardship, transparency became a cornerstone for his teams, elevating the confidence and trust of the American people in the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command. He retired as Commander of U.S. Cyber Command, Director of the NSA, and Chief of the Central Security Service on February 1, 2024 — having served in those roles since May 2018. General Nakasone’s remarkable service has been recognized with innumerable awards and decorations. Among them are the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, and Defense Meritorious Service Medal — to name a few. Described as “a transformational leader who strengthened our national security, bolstered our deterrence, and defended our democracy,” Nakasone remains a vocal advocate for defending the nation and securing the best possible future through people and partnerships.

Edward (Ed) Marx

Marx Advisory
he youngest child of Holocaust survivors, Ed moved to the United States at age 10. At 16, he served as a medical clinic janitor where he discovered his healthcare calling. Ed took successive positions as combat medic, anesthesia tech, strategic planner and technology manager. He quickly learned how the convergence of clinical, business and digital saved lives. His passion ignited, he jumped feet first into technology and operations in the C-Suite of Cleveland Clinic, NYC Health & Hospitals, Texas Health Resources and University Hospitals. Intermixed, Ed served the supplier side as well. He was CEO for consulting firm Divurgent, global CDO for Tech Mahindra Health & Life Sciences and CIO of the Advisory Board. Concurrently, he served 15 years as an Army combat engineer officer and combat medic. Today, Ed is focused on his own advisory practice. Ed does a fair amount of speaking, writing and podcasting. He authored healthcare bestsellers including “Voices of Innovation” and “Healthcare Digital Transformation”. He is currently writing a book for Mayo Clinic on “Patient Experience” and “Voices of Innovation – Payers”. His podcast “DGTL Voices” is “Top 3%” globally. His Blog, CEO Unplugged, surpassed 1M views. Ed recently started a YouTube channel to expand his audience. Most importantly, Ed is husband to Simran who holds a Doctor of Nursing (DNP). They love to dance and climb mountains. They have 5 grown children and 4 grandchildren. To stay fit, he is captain of TeamUSA Triathlon.

Seema Verma

Executive Vice President and General Manager Oracle Health & Life Sciences
Seema Verma is the Executive Vice President and General Manager, Oracle Health and Life Sciences, where she has responsibility of Oracle’s EHR, (former Cerner), which is the largest EHR in the world, as well as clinical trials and the health insurance portfolio. She also is a Director on the Board of Lifestance, a public company focused on behaviorial health. In addition, she serves on the Board for USC’s Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics. Before coming to Oracle, she served as a Senior Advisor to private equity firms TPG and Cressey & Co, serving on the Cressey Distinguished Executive Committee. She also served on the Board of Directors for Lumeris, Monogram, Wellsky, LYRIC, and ShiftKey. Additionally, she provided advisory services to a variety of early stage and large public health care companies, including national payers and technology companies focusing on strategy, value creation, and operations. Seema was the former administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the largest payer in the world, between 2017-2021. Confirmed by the Senate on a bi-partisan basis, she had one of the longest terms in modern CMS history. In this role, she oversaw a $1.4 trillion dollar budget and coverage for 145 million beneficiaries. She was responsible for federal policy and operations of Medicare, Medicaid, Health Insurance Exchanges, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), and all federal quality and safety regulations. In this role she developed and implemented the federal administration’s health care strategic plan across all programs to advance value-based care, innovation, interoperability, and price transparency while reducing drug prices, and regulations through her historic Patients over Paperwork initiative. CMS had numerous accomplishments during her tenure including delivering reduced premiums across Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage, and individual insurance market as well as addressing the social determinants of health. Her pro-market policies advanced market competition, provided $35 insulin to seniors and advanced site neutral payments. Her leadership on the White House COVID Task Force led to the widespread adoption of telehealth, Hospital at Home, and no cost vaccines for the entire country. Prior to her role at CMS, she founded and sold a national consulting company and worked as a VP for Policy and Planning for a public hospital, public health department, and health system. In 2019, Seema was named as Modern Healthcare’s #1 Most Influential Person in Healthcare and was part of the Top 25 Women Leaders. Her healthcare articles have been published in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Health Affairs, Modern Healthcare, Newsweek, CNN, USA Today , STAT, and others. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and John’s Hopkins University School of Public Health.

Dr. Kaitlan Baston

Health Commisioner
New Jersey Department of Health

Gabrielle (Gabby) Thomas

Olympic Track & Field Gold Medalist
Gabby Thomas is a top American sprinter renowned as a high achiever, both on and off the track. She sealed her status as an iconic Olympian after winning three gold medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics, including gold in her signature event, the 200m. She earned two more golds in the 4×100 and 4×400 relays and was the first American track athlete to win three golds in the same Olympics since Allyson Felix. She is the fourth fastest woman in history in the 200m, with a time of 21.60, which was earned in her breakout race at the 2021 Olympic Trials. In her debut Olympics in Tokyo, she came home with two medals, with a bronze in the 200m event and silver in the 4×100 relay. Thomas is a graduate of Harvard University where she majored in neurobiology and went on to earn a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Texas. She works for the Volunteer Healthcare Clinic in Austin, TX that helps underserved communities, an area Thomas is passionate about. When not training or working, Thomas enjoys exploring her hometown of Austin and walking her pug, Rico.

Dr. Meong Hi Son

Chief Medical Information Officer
Samsung Medical Center
Meong Hi son is an Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and currently holds the role of Chief Medical Information Officer at Samsung Medical Center, South Korea. Trained as a pediatrician specializing in pediatric hemato-oncology and pediatric emergency medicine, and despite having no initial background in IT, she has become a pioneering force in the digital transformation of healthcare services as a junior faculty member at Samsung Medical Center. During her early clinical career as a clinical fellow, Dr. Son spearheaded the migration of pediatric cancer treatment protocols and monitoring sheets from paper-based systems to electronic medical records (EMR). Not only did she initiate this critical transition, but she also played a key role in the actual implementation of EMRs, which became the driving force behind her involvement in the hospital’s digital transformation efforts. Dr. Son believes that healthcare services involve complex processes managed by a diverse group of professionals. She emphasizes that making even small changes in this field requires continuous reflection on what can be improved through technological advancements and tireless communication. She finds it particularly meaningful to encourage more healthcare workers, especially in resource-limited and change-resistant environments, to participate in the digital transformation journey. By sharing her personal experiences and impactful hospital stories with various audiences both within and outside the hospital, she aims to inspire others to join this essential movement towards improving healthcare through IT. Consequently, she played a pivotal role as an intermediary, facilitating communication and participation among various departments for the hospital to achieve Stage 7 in the four areas of maturity model (INFRAM, EMRAM,DIAM and AMAM).

Dr. Seung-woo Park

Samsung Medical Center
Dr. Seung-woo Park, the President of Samsung Medical Center, is a respected specialist in cardiovascular diseases, particularly in areas such as heart valve disorders and myocardial infarction. He also plays a significant role in the hospital’s efforts towards digitalization. Dr. Park currently serves as the 12th President of Samsung Medical Center, leading the realization of an advanced intelligent hospital focused on severe and complex medical conditions. After graduating from Seoul National University College of Medicine, Dr. Park joined Samsung Medical Center as a founding member in 1994. Throughout his career, he has held key positions within the hospital, including Chief of the Information Strategy Office, Chief of Quality Improvement, and Chief of Strategic Planning. In 2002, he spent two years at the Mayo Clinic in the United States, where he gained advanced knowledge in cardiac treatment, which he brought back to Korea. He has also served as the Chairman of the Korean Society of Echocardiography from 2016 to 2018 and is highly regarded as an authority in the field of cardiology, with publications in renowned medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine in November 2019. Dr. Park’s contributions extend beyond his medical achievements, as he has also been recognized for his efforts in hospital digitalization and innovation in the healthcare process. He introduced electronic medical records (EMR) and achieved a “paperless hospital,” receiving the Samsung Information Innovation Award in 2009. He led the a “Dr. Smart” application development project, which allows healthcare professionals to use personal smart devices for medical purposes, and received the Minister of Knowledge Economy Award in 2010. In 2010, he opened the first electronic medical referral system in Korea and implemented various smartphone mobile support systems for patients and hospital staff, enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Isabelle Kumar

Former News Anchor, Presenter
Isabelle is a former prime time news anchor and journalist with more than 20 years experience, she now moderates and MCs at leading forums and summits around the globe. Isabelle was the lead anchor for Euronews-NBC. She also criss-crossed the planet interviewing heads of state and government, CEOs and celebrities generating some 3 million views on YouTube. Isabelle has moderated at high level and large scale events throughout her career, including the first ever EU Presidential debate, deep dives at the Davos World Economic Forum and the European Commission. Now, this is her principal activity and works with corporates, international organisations and NGOs on subjects ranging from humanitarian, health, inclusion, economics, geopolitics, climate, sustainability, education and tech. Today her clients include the European Commission, the U.N., The Consumer Goods Forum, Proctor and Gamble, LEAP and Saatchi and Saatchi. She has been MC for award ceremonies for the UN, EU and chaired closed door discussions including with former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European leaders. Her interviews include presidents and prime ministers from Russia, Iran, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Italy, Portugal as well as the heads of the UN and the European Commission. She has spoken to the King of Jordan, the Prince and Princess of Monaco, interviewed Richard Branson, Andrea Bocelli, Mike Tyson and Karl Lagerfeld to name but a few. Before heading to Euronews, Isabelle worked for CNN, APTN and Reuters. Isabelle is bilingual in French and English and holds British and German nationality. She is a disability activist, the President of a charity helping people with autism and does pro bono work with the charity Lake Aid helping unaccompanied minors, asylum seekers and homeless families in Annecy, France. Client feedback shows appreciation for Isabelle’s friendly, thorough and dynamic style of presentation.

Simone Biles

Athlete & Advocate
Simone Biles is widely regarded as one of the greatest athletes of all time. The most decorated gymnast in history with 41 medals across World Championships and the Olympic Games, Biles holds the most World Championship medals (30) and gold medals (23) in gymnastics history. A three-time Olympian, her 11 Olympic medals and seven Olympic gold medals are the most by a U.S. gymnast. The three-time Laureus World Sportswoman of the Year and Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year, she has earned the rare distinction of having five skills named in her honor – The Biles – in the beam, floor (two), and vault (two) disciplines. Biles’s extraordinary accomplishments have received widespread recognition, including the youngest recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, TIME’s 100 Most Influential People, Forbes’ 30 Under 30, Ebony Power 100, People’s Women Changing the World, USA Today’s 100 Women of the Century, and CNN Heroes, among others. Her autobiography, Courage to Soar, was a New York Times bestseller and developed into an award-winning TV special on Lifetime while her Snap Originals series, Daring Simone Biles, received an NAACP Image Award. An ambassador for Friends of the Children, Biles utilizes her platform to help advocate for change and support initiatives that provide education and assistance for children and young adults associated with adoption, foster care, and overall wellness.

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